"Air Label Score"
The international certification “Air Label Score” guarantees consumers the best available information on emissions from products into indoor air. Thanks to this label, they can choose products that release the least amount of substances into their indoor air.
Why this label?
Indoor air is becoming increasingly polluted.
The “Air Label Score” certification was developed following alarming findings on indoor air contamination. Thousands of chemicals, some of them harmful, can be emitted by some products: furniture, paint, building materials, cleaning products, etc.
Find out here where these emissions can come from and their possible impacts.
Undertakings given by the label
Transparency - Consistency - Clarity - Expertise - Verification - Sanctions
Uncompromising in its undertakings, “Air Label Score” has made every effort to ensure that consumers have clear information on the emissions from products into indoor air.
The label is subject to the most stringent scientific, transparent and verified procedures.
Find here all the undertakings given by the label and certified companies
Our approved partners
“Air Label Score” is completely independent in order to avoid any conflict of interest. All analyses are carried out by high-quality partner laboratories. The label is based on the most stringent standards set by external agencies.
In France, partners are approved by COFRAC, the French national institution accreditation body which is involved in assessing compliance in France. In Belgium, partners are approved by BELAC (Belgian accreditation body).
Find here our partners’ accreditations
Understanding the product ratings
Stringent, clear and uncompromising ratings.
“Air Label Score” assigns every product tested a score between A+ (very low emissions) and C (high emissions), which represents their emission level.
The rating system has been developed to be immediately understandable by users and guide easily their product choice.
Find out here what each rating means
Choosing the right label
It is becoming increasingly complicated to navigate through all the different labels.
Some labels contain information on aspects relating to health, the environment, product quality or social or societal aspects.
To help you, we have put together a set of recommendations that will enable you to choose a label that meets your requirements.
Find out here how to choose the right label for your needs
The label that insures indoor air quality
“Air Label Score” guarantees consumers the best available information on the emissions of products into indoor air. Products tested are given a score between A+ (very low emissions) and C (high emissions), which represents their emission level.
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