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5 Tips for safe spring cleaning
Warm weather is back, and it is often accompanied by a thorough spring-cleaning. We often think of spring cleaning as a way to sanitize our homes, but it can also be a source of indoor air pollution if you do not take some precautions.
Many cleaning and disinfecting products…
Spring cleaning is often accompanied by a wide range of cleaning products: kitchen & bathroom cleaners, wet-wipes, stain removers, multi-purpose sprays, glass cleaners, air fresheners, detergents…
… permeating your indoor air!
Did you know that these products can release many volatile substances? Some of them, such as formaldehyde, acrolein, alcohol, limonene... are very hazardous.
Health risks
Air pollutants have many health hazards. Formaldehyde, for example, is a known carcinogen, recognised by the IARC. Beyond cancer risk, indoor air pollution can cause headaches, allergies, asthma, irritations, and a long etcetera. All these consequences are exacerbated in children, who have a still developing immune system.
Here are 5 tips for a healthy spring cleaning
1. Choose the right products
Choosing low-emission products is the first step to reducing their impact.Low-emission products are often difficult to identify. The "Air Label Score" seal allows you to identify products that that respect your indoor air. Thanks to its clear and uncompromising rating, you can easily look for the best (A+) products. Find here all certified products.
Ecology and health: not to be confused
When buying cleaning products, it is important to distinguish between its the different possible claims.A product said ecological, organic, green, sustainable, environmentally-friendly… will not necessarily be good for your health —as they focus on preserve resources, recycling, the use of natural products...—. Products that aim to protect consumer’s health will, for example, seek to reduce the presence of hazardous substances, such as carcinogens, allergens and mutagens, endocrine disruptors, etc.
Choose a trustworthy label
It is becoming increasingly complicated to navigate through all the different certifications. Choose a label that meets your expectations by asking yourself the right questions.
2. Follow the prescribed doses
Manufacturers indicate how much product to use. It is important to follow their recommendations, especially if you are using highly concentrated products. Note that, in most cases, increasing the dose of the product will have little impact on the quality of the cleaning, but you will increase their emissions.
3. Air out your home
Ventilating during your spring cleaning will help dissipate some of the pollutants. Without ventilation, they will stagnate in your indoor air. By combining this solution with the use of "Air Label Score" certified products, you will greatly reduce the risks of indoor air emissions in your household.
4. Do not clean in the presence of children
Children are extremely vulnerable to indoor air pollution. Indeed, they do not have a fully developed immune system. Because of their size, their breathing speed (up to twice as fast as adults!) and their still developing defence system, air pollution poses even more worrying risks to their health: risk of cancer, allergies, asthma, hyperactivity, lower IQ, etc.
If you have children, it is preferable to clean when they are not present and ventilate before they return to the room. Be extra careful when cleaning their rooms, especially for babies' or young children's.5. Clean your carpets and textiles
Textiles accumulate volatile substances emitted by other products and activities, and release them later, causing long-term emissions. Cleaning your curtains, carpets, armchairs, etc. is therefore necessary to prevent them from continuously polluting your indoor air.
Safe daily cleaning
It is important to pay attention to the annual spring deep cleaning, but daily cleaning should not be neglected. These tips we have just given to you also apply to everyday housework.
In conclusion: choosing the right products is a simple way to limit the potential sources of pollution. The "Air Label Score" guides you in your choices, by guaranteeing the low-emission character of products.
For more information on the Air Label Score certification, which guarantees the best information on the emission of products into the indoor air, feel to explore our website.
Sources: L’ONE (Office des Naissance et de l’Enfance) – La qualité de l’air intérieur& Des gestes simples à notre portée, Service Public de Wallonie – Environnement ,Agence Wallonne de l’Air et du Climat ,La Fédération Française du bâtiment , 60 Millions de Consommateurs.