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2021: „Air Label Score“ becomes the certification of choice in France & arrives in 30 markets: UK, Germany, the Netherlands…
Consumers are more and more concerned about Indoor Air Quality. In 2021, the "Air Label Score" certification (previously "Indoor Air Controlled") has become the preferred label of the French for certain product categories, according to an IFOP* study. Many new brands, products and manufacturers are committed to offering products that respect indoor air.
"Air Label Score" becomes the label of choice for the French
After only two and a half years of existence, Air Label Score is now the reference for cleaning products certifications and scoring systems.
The certification started 2021 with an awareness rate of 63.3%, and was already among the best known in France. With more than 73% of comprehension rate, "Air Label Score" is directly understandable by consumers.
According to an IFOP study, the "Air Label Score" certification is the favourite of the French on certain types of products*. Indeed, it has been compared to other certifications (such as Ecocert, Ecolabel, Vegan, Nordic Swan, Cruelty-free…) on different product categories (scented candles, air fresheners and cleaning sprays). In this survey, this indoor air quality certification was found to be the most popular. This shows that consumers pay particular attention to indoor emissions.
Many new products certified
In the past year, more major industry players have certified their products with "Air Label Score". These companies, brands and manufacturers are committed to providing products with the lowest possible emissions in more than 30 countries.
- Several hundred products tested.
- More than a hundred certified products.
- New types of certified products.
- The first specialist brand in DIY stores (Starwax range)
- The first certified distributor brand (Intermarché's Apta range).
- The first certified scented candle (Denis & Fils).
We are proud to announce that millions of exposures to volatile substances, including very harmful compounds, have been avoided thanks to certified products. These are some of the companies on certification process: Rainett, Starwax, Ajax, Maison Verte, Apta (Intermarché), Green Care, Sanytol, Glade, You, Chanteclair, Nicols, Provilan, Denis&Fils, Emsol, Agriton...
Indoor air quality makes the headlines
The press gives more and more space to the subject of indoor air quality and to the Air Label Score certification. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the topics* covered in the media in 2021 :
- Services propreté, Achats : Contribuer à la qualité de l'air intérieur (Contribute to indoor air quality)
- Construire sa maison, Changez d'air ! (Change your air!)
- Ambitions & perspectives, Un label pour mieux respirer ( A label for better breathing)
- Trattino, Les produits d’entretien : pas si propres pour la planète ! (Cleaning products: not so clean for the planet!)
- HomAp, Air Label Score : le label qui informe sur la toxicité des produits dans l’air intérieur (Air Label Score: the label that informs about the toxicity of products in indoor air)
- LSA, Les nettoyants ménagers surfent toujours sur la désinfection (Household cleaners still surf on disinfection)
- LSA, Le soin du linge pris en tenaille (Laundry care ensnared)
- Homme Deco, Rainett, respectueux de l’environnement (Rainett, environmentally friendly )
- Ouest France, Comment améliorer la qualité de l’air de vos logements ? (How can you improve the air quality at home?)
- ELLE Décoration, Maison bien-être : respirer un air sain chez soi (Home & Well-being: breathing healthy air at home)
- Le Particulier Vie Pratique, Pour mieux respirer chez soi (To breathe better at home )
- B SMART, Émission Écosystème
- Bati-Today, 20 références Starwax certifiées “Air Label Score” (20 Starwax references "Air Label Score" certified)
*(Own translation for all holders)
2022, a great year for "Air Label Score"
The issue of indoor air quality has progressed a lot. However, access to healthy air in all enclosed environments (homes, workplaces, transport, schools, etc.) is still far from being achieved. The "Air Label Score" certification is expanding to help accelerate this development.
2022 is shaping up to be a big year for the certification. Indeed, in the coming months:
- New retailers are joining the process of certification with their own brands.
- New certified professional products are entering the market.
- New contract manufacturers are certifying products to offer ready-to-use labelled formulas.
- "Air Label Score" will be back to face-to-face conferences and events such as the PLMA international trade fair on 31 May & 1 June in Amsterdam.
- "Air Label Score" will strengthen its communication channels to keep raising awareness among the general public, local authorities and decision-making bodies.
Want to know more about the certification and the impact of indoor air pollution? Which products and brands are joining the certification? What new reports, studies or laws are being discussed at international level? Find periodic information and all the news you should not miss on our website and social networks.
*Sources: IFOP study, Survey on awareness and attractiveness of the Air Label Score certification - 2021